Keywords: reproductive sphere, infertility, emotions, psychoemotional state, vascular system reserve with Ruthier


Purpose. The aim of the article is a theoretical justification and empirical study of the features of the influence of psychocorrection methods on women with reproductive disorders. The article analyzes the psychological approaches to understanding the psycho-emotional state of women with reproductive health problems. The results of the theoretical analysis helped to establish that the psychoemotional sphere of a woman’s personality affects both her state of health and her reproductive sphere directly.

Methods. To achieve this goal, we used the psycho-diagnostic methodology “Scale of Differential Emotions” by K. Isard and physiological research methods: methods for recording systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heart rate, and vascular reserve with Ruthier. The array of data obtained was analyzed using methods of mathematical statistics (Student t-test) by using the standardized computerized software package SPSS 21.0.

Results. The study involved 240 women with reproductive disorders, which were divided by psychological and physiological parameters into the control and experimental groups. It is proved that in the studied female patients of the experimental group, after the application of psychocorrectional methods of exposure, an improvement in the psychoemotional state occurs. When comparing the average values of indicators of the emotional sphere, the dynamics is traced to a decrease in the dominance of negative emotions and the predominance of positive ones, an increase in the endurance of the cardiovascular system of the body is observed, which positively affects their health. The existing relationship of the psycho-emotional state with physiological indicators also indicates their relationship with psychosomatics.

Conclusions. It was found that the higher the level of psychoemotional state and reserve potential in women patients, the higher they have indicators of understanding the meaning and attitude to their own lives, maintaining health and the ability to overcome reproductive health problems. Improvement of physiological indicators of health of women of the experimental group indicates their alignment and approach to harmonization, which testifies to decrease of tension, increase of adaptive capacities of their organism as a whole.


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