• Oleksandra Volodymyrivna Fedoruk
Keywords: emotional intelligence, emotional competence, self-control, adaptive display, self-motivation, self-efficacy, psychological modeling


Purpose. The purpose of the article is to create a psychological model of emotional intelligence development in IT-industry managers, to outline (describe) and to analyze the components of this psychological model and their interaction with emotional intelligence indications within the postmodern interpretation of processes.

Methods. For the purpose of the study, we used the following methods: analysis and synthesis of psychological literature on research problems; comparison, systematization, generalization, interpretation of existing theoretical approaches and empirical results.

Results. The article outlines the main components of the emotional intelligence based on the specificity of the IT-managers activity (self-awareness, self-control, adaptive identification, self-motivation, self-efficacy) and their essential, informative properties. Principles of psychological modeling are analyzed and reflexive crystallization scenarios of IT-managers emotional competence are outlined.

Conceptual psychological modeling in the professional activity sphere and a scenario concept of psychological modeling for more effective disclosure of the basic mechanism of formation of emotional intelligence in intellectually developed individual have been reviewed. The following scenarios have been distinguished for the IT-managers: actually “Scenario”, “Counter-scenario”, “Anti-scenario”, “Compromise scenario”, which made it possible to simulate the psychological mechanism of formation of emotional intelligence personalities who came to the position with a certain “life scenario”.

Conclusions. The psychological model created presents the projection of emotional intelligence managers’ indicators on the scenario behavior model and identifies the links between the scenarios and emotional intelligence and emotional competence indicators that are needed to analyze the effects and interactions of the components of the psychological model on the informants. As a result, they found out that heuristicconceptual modeling of the formation of emotional intelligence in managers of IT-companies has as its criteria the indications (components), taken in the direct dynamics of the reflective transition (from the situation of the traditional world to the situation of postmodern worldview and methodological).


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