Keywords: creativity, creative product, creative activity, creative potential, creative development of youth, stimulation of creativity, informatization of creativity, social practices of creativity


Objective. In the article it is put by an aim to define the concept of work as the act of activity on creation of new product, considering the aspect of dynamic transformation of idea about work as an active process of mastering of the newest reality a young man. Ability quickly to perceive and properly react on dynamically changeable influences as one of key pre-conditions of modern creative personality is well-proven.

Methods. By means of descriptive method the modern going is investigational near definition of work. The method of comparative analysis is describe the processes of creative activity in the cut of actual transformations of informatively-communication space; in particular influence of modern of informatively communication technologies is considered on development of creative potential of personality. The method of system-structural analysis is in this context mark a thesis that any product of creative activity, depending on aims, and mechanisms of his realization, has scaled representation and semantic gap-fillingness. Description of creative act is carried out as the motivational painted act.

Results. The procedural, attributive, personality and environmental aspects of creative activity are distinguished and their specific features are described. The subjective and objective conditions of the act of creative activity are considered. The components and dynamics of creative thinking development in the process of developing a creative product are described. The main potential possibilities of transformation of creativity as an act of innovative activity in the modern environment are outlined. In particular, it is stated that creativity caused by the involvement of an individual in the processes of digital information processing is the result of quantitative comprehension by the young man of the considerable variety of information and communication, as well as knowledge influences that he or she assimilates and transforms. The role of higher educational institutions in the development of a new type of personality and creatively developed subject of learning has been noted.

Conclusions. The primary opportunities for creative realization of the personality of a modern young man in the current conditions are shown. It is concluded that the productive setting for the transformation of the surrounding reality, the expansion of the conditions of cognition and self-development and the active involvement in dynamic processes for the creation of a new product are the defining criteria for the formation and professional-personality realization for young people in the current conditions.


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