Keywords: crisis, personal crisis, age crisis, interpersonal conflict, identity, experience of psychological crisis, coping strategies, mechanisms of psychological protection


Purpose of the article is to carry out theoretical analysis of the problem of the middle-aged crisis, to determine the factors, conditions and main determinants of its course. The purpose also is to analyze the results of an experimental study of the psychological characteristics of the middle-aged crisis.

Methods. From the group of empirical methods: psycho diagnostic method (tests); from the group of methods of analysis (processing) of data: qualitative and quantitative analysis of the obtained results, methods of computer processing of experimental data. Psycho diagnostic toolkit: “Personal Identity Research” (L.B. Schneider), “Experiencing a Psychological Personality Crisis” (PPС) (S.V. Dukhnovsky), “Coping Test” (R. Lazarus), “Lifestyle Index” (LSI) (R. Plutchik, H. Kellerman, H. Conte). 80 respondents have been participated in the study. Age of respondents is 35–45 years.

Results. A theoretical analysis of the problem of the middle-aged crisis has been presented. Various scientific approaches to interpreting this concept have been highlighted. The basic laws, factors and stages of the middleaged crisis have been substantiated. The contents of the conditions and options for ending the crisis and moving to a new stage of life have been revealed. The results of the empirical study of psychological features of the midlife crisis have been presented.

Conclusions. As the result of the conducted research, we have determined the peculiarities of the manifestation of personal crisis and the level of psychological stability of the representatives of the second half of adulthood. The dominant types of identity and the dominant mechanisms of psychological protection in this age group have been investigated and analyzed. The most used coping strategies, as well as ways of overcoming respondents’ difficulties in various spheres of mental activity have been identified. According to the results of the conducted research, a correlation analysis of the obtained data has been carried out and correlation between the studied indicators has been established.


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