The analysis of scientific literature made it possible to find out that in order to determine the level of development of professional self-realization of future psychologists and document scientists, it is most appropriate to use the psychodiagnostic method “Type and level of professional self-realization” by O. Havrylova.
Purpose. In order to achieve the goals of our research, in particular, the study of the level of professional self-realization of future psychologists and documentalists during the course of training, the process of adapting the content of the method for its use in higher education was organized.
Methods. With the help of two competent in dependent translators, a direct translation of the methodology was carried out. The previous psychometric properties of the translated methodology were checked during a pilot study, in which 186 respondents participated. The sample was compiled by forth coming psychologists and documentalists from the 2–4 year of studying of Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi Hryhorii Skovoroda State Pedagogical University, Donbas State Pedagogical University, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National University.
Results. Based on the results of a psychometric study, the Ukrainian language version of this technique can be consideredreliable, a sevidenced by the results of the test for internal consistency; valid, because the criterion validity has shown a high degree of compliance with professional self-fulfillmentand the criteria by which it can be determined. In turn, the constructive validity of the methodology has shown that it can be used to study professional self-realization.
Conclusions. Consequently, the Ukrainian language version of the method adapted by us meets the psychometric requirement sand can be used to solvere search and practical is sues.
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