Keywords: feeling of happiness, age characteristics, attitude to body, anxiety, neuroticism, sociability, balance


The article notes that the speed of social change, uncertainty and unpredictability of life requires analysis of the components of happiness that a modern woman can manage, and if necessary, herself to influence the contentment of her own life.

Purpose: To highlight the results of an empirical study of psychological characteristics of happiness in middle-aged women.

Methods. Theoretical: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification and systematization of modern scientific theoretical and empirical studies of happiness. Empirical: Oxford Happiness Questionnaire; Test “Diagnosis of Interpersonal Relationships” by T. Leary; O. Skugarevsky’s “Questionnaire of Attitude to Your Body”; “The scale of reactive and personal anxiety of Ch. Spielberger, Yu. Hanin”; Multi-Factor Personal Questionnaire FRI;

Results. The analyzed results of the survey made it possible to divide the respondents by the level of happiness into three groups. The first was women who consider themselves not happy and have low rates. The second group was women who have a reduced level of happiness. And the third group – respondents with average level of happiness. Analysis of the results of empirical research and the use of Pearson’s nonparametric criterion allowed us to establish a relationship between the level of happiness and dissatisfaction with the image of one’s body, reactive and personal anxiety, such characteristics of personality as irritability, shyness, emotional lability, spontaneous aggressiveness people. The results of the correlation analysis suggest the influence on the level of happiness of such personality traits as sociability and equilibrium, which maked it possible to create qualitative positive relationships.

Conclusions. The research focused on the need for a holistic approach to the development of happiness levels and allowed for the creation of corrective and developmental programs for working with middle-aged women.


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