Keywords: reflexive skills, metacognitive level, monitoring, learning activity, student


Purpose of our study was to identify the characteristics of reflexive skills of the students, which they use in the process of solving a problem, at the metacognitive level of the functioning of the reflexive experience. The set purpose has led to the solution of the following tasks. Among them such tasks as to theoretically analyze the available scientific works in the sphere of development of the characteristics of the reflexive skills of students; operationalize them (select the indicators reflecting the quantitative aspects of their formation, and empirically determine the levels of the reflexive skills of students at metacognitive level.

Methods. Empirical data was received with the use of a methodology titled “Reflexive skills metacognitive level” (author O. Savchenko). Choosing this methodology has been justified by the fact that reflexive competence at the metacognitive level integrates those skills that the subject uses in the process of solving a problem. Namely they are: ability to create a model of the process of solving a problem, evaluate the own reflexive actions, form an image of the expected result of reflexivity, plan various forms of reflexive activity, control the emotional states, arbitrarily manage internal activity and monitor reflexive activities.

Results. The results have been analyzed according to the separate scales, such as “Ability to organize the process of solving a problem, direct efforts at reaching the set goal”, “Ability to predict possible mistakes and difficulties, analyze own abilities”, “Ability to regulate own emotional states, form work focus”, “Ability to plan, evaluate and validate own activities”, “Ability to create probable models for solving problems, carry our self-analysis of own actions, peculiarities of own behavior”, “Ability to monitor current form of intellectual activity, regulate the significance of the problem with consideration of the current status” and “Ability to evaluate own intellectual abilities, capabilities and restrictions critically”. These scales characterize students’ reflexive skills at the metacognitive level.

Conclusions. Based on the received empirical data, we can conclude that the lowest scores from students’ reflexive skills were received at the scales “Ability to organize the process of solving a problem, direct efforts at reaching the set goal” and “Ability to monitor current form of intellectual activity, regulate the significance of the problem with consideration of the current status”. We have concluded that among the sample, the average and low levels of reflexive skills at metacognitive level have prevailed.


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