• Kseniia Mykhailivna Hruzynova
Keywords: professional choice, specialty, institution of higher education, higher education applicants, crisis of professional training


Purpose. The article is devoted to the research of students’ professional identity. The purpose of the work is to identify the dependence of the status of professional identity on successful option, the assessment of pro­fessional choice as right or wrong.

Methods. The research had conducted through a written, in-person group survey method, testing. In the course of the research, there were provided the following research methods: “Methods of measuring professional identity” (MIPI) by L.B. Schneider; social questionnaire. The results of the research were summarized and analyzed by using statistical processing methods.

Results. The conducted research made it possible to establish that the formation of professional identity depends on the positive assessment of students’ professional choice. The dependence of the status of identity on successful option, the positive assessment of professional choice made as right or wrong has determined.

It was determined that in the group of students with “successful option” there are students, who satisfied with the chosen profession and university, who don’t feel sorry of their choice of the specialty made during the period of option. This group of students mostly can be characterized by the pseudo-positive and positive professional identity status. It was found that the majority of students who feel disappointed with the chosen specialty and prefer to change the direction of professional education, are in a state of professional crisis. Dis­satisfaction with the chosen profession can be a sign and a cause of the mid-learning crisis. The similar result was obtained in relation to students who feel disappointed with the university and prefer to change the place of study while maintaining the chosen direction of professional training. In this case, majority of students are also experiencing a crisis of professional education, or they are most exposed to the status of premature, diffuse identity. The majority of students with premature status reveal a general disappointment with higher educa­tion – these students are dissatisfied with both factors: the chosen profession and their university.

Conclusions. It was concluded that the current status of professional identity depends on the specifics of the assessment of the professional choices, and the successful option can be considered as a factor in the develop­ment of positive professional identity while studying at the university.


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