Keywords: emotional burnout, reduction professional achievements, aggression, hostility


Purpose. The aim of the study was to identify the features the determination reduction professional achievements among teachers.

Methods. To diagnose the severity the reduction professional achievements, the MBI burnout questionnaire was used by K. Maslach and S. Jackson, adapted by N. Vodopyanova. Using a questionnaire for measuring aggressive and hostile reactions A. Bass and A. Darki in adaptation, O. Osnitsky measured the following parameters: physical aggression, verbal aggression, indirect aggression, hostility, general aggressiveness, orientation aggression, aggressive motivation. To assess situational aggression, a scale of reactive and proactive aggression was used by E. Roland and T. Idese, adapted by I. Furmanov.

Results. The prognostic indicators the reduction professional achievements among teachers are, regardless gender, high hostility, a high level aggressive motivation, indirect aggression, proactive aggression associated with the manifestation power, as well as low general aggressiveness, low verbal aggression. Along with this, the high level hostility and indirect aggression, as well as the low level verbal aggression, are prognostic indicators the reduction professional achievements in women. The reduction professional achievements is characteristic men, characterized by high aggressive motivation and low verbal aggression.

Conclusions. Based on the results obtained, the following conclusions can be drawn. Women with envy, who believe that the administration, colleagues and students are unfair to them, deceive them, laugh at them, while not prone to aggression in an open verbal form, but who show their aggressive reactions in a roundabout way, tend to a lesser extent planning your professional trajectory. Own professional achievements lose their value for them. Their attitude towards the teaching profession is changing towards a complete loss interest. Men who seek to justify themselves and others the need for an aggressive response in various pedagogically difficult situations, prone to justify their own aggressive actions, but not verbally expressing aggression, are characterized by manifestations of a reduction in professional achievements.


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