Keywords: abuse, psychological safety, IHE, educational service providers, inhibition-facilitation


The article is devoted to there search of the problem of educational environment’s psychological safety in IHE during the interaction of its participants.

For this purpose, the psychological features of the inhibitor teachers and the prerequisites for their psychological assault on the psychological safety of educational service providers have been investigated. According to the stated purpose, the following problems are solved in the article: it was carried out the theoretical analysis of the scientific literature and outlined the main approaches to the study of the problem of psychological violence in the educational environment of the IHE; it was also analyzed the psychological characteristics of the teacher-inhibitor’s personality; it was discussed the prerequisites for the emergence of the abuse in the educational environment.

Theoretical research methods were used to solve these tasks and achieve the goal of the work: theoretical analysis of theoretical and methodological, scientific and methodological literature to compare the different views on the problem; induction, deduction; generalization and systematization in order to identify the main approaches to the problem’s study of psychological violence in the educational environment of the IHE.

The author concludes that the problem of violence in its various manifestations, including the abusive ones, it is connected with the legitimization of aggression in society, and the reducing of the risk’s formation and manifestation of these phenomena; it is the national task. Ensuring the psychological safety of the educational environment, the protection and maintaining the mental health of its participants should be a priority in the development of modern education.


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