The purpose of the article analyzes the main approaches to the study of strategies of personal life. Structural components of strategies of vital activity of the person are determined. Personal life strategies are a unique way of organizing one’s personal life. Vital strategies are manifested by the characteristics of subjectivity, activity, goal-setting, ability to live, and resolve vital contradictions.
Methods. The article determines that life strategies are a way of making a decision, comparing one’s personal characteristics with external circumstances, being able to represent one’s own experiences, ideas and principles, taking into account the peculiarities of the actual life situation, its requirements and limitations.
Results. In today’s society, it is suggested to consider life strategies through the organization/reorganization methodology. The basis of this approach is that the person is stronger than the situation. Accordingly, it is possible to interact with uncertainty through the following strategies of vital activity: the strategy of preserving motivational – target constructs (consists in the internal return of the situation to a satisfactory primary model); a strategy of change of meanings (a strategy that signifies a change of motivational – semantic understanding of a situation); management strategy (use of uncertainty to build new opportunities).
Conclusions. Personality shapes life strategies as a subject of conscious activity that is at a certain level of maturity and capable of strategic thinking. The life strategy reflects the integrity of the human life world, its focus on the future and its ability to change one’s life according to one’s own goals and interests. Responsibility for the achievement of these goals and the process of life greatly influence one’s life satisfaction and mental health.
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