Keywords: technological revolution, robotization, intelligence, artificial intelligence, self-consciousness


Purpose. The objective is to highlight the results of this research aimed at revealing the features of perception of artificial intelligence and robotization by secondary students.

Methods. An author’s questionnaire was developed. The questions are aimed at determining the following features: the respondents' awareness of the phenomenon of artificial intelligence, their perception of the current state of interaction with technologies and such perspectives as cyberization and technological upgrading of individual human functions.

Results. It has been determined that artificial intelligence technology is now actively developing and expanding as a result of its ability to learn by itself. There is a distinction between weak artificial intelligence, with the products of which we are actively interacting, and strong artificial intelligence, the result s of which are currently difficult to assess. Technologies that act on the core of weak artificial intelligence (automated assistants that search for optimal goods, simultaneous translation, information administration, health control, etc.) affect a person's life by simplifying it by changing time allocation and priorities. As they develop further, they can lead to a restriction on a person's free will, privacy and delegation of decision-making on technology. Other threats to the development of artificial intelligence include the spread of irresponsibility and job cuts. It is emphasized that the perception of technologies that simplify our lives should be critical, without shifting responsibility for the creation of the future into smart technologies.

Conclusions. The study found high interest and positive perception by senior students of artificial intelligence and robots; students demonstrate a willingness to delegate their functions to technology, to improve themselves with dentures and to use assistive robots in their lives. Most respondents perceive robotic technology and artificial intelligence only as machines that execute a particular algorithm, as evidenced by a cold attitude toward robots that perform human roles like colleagues, classmates, or pets. Cinema and literature actively promote the images of the technological future and make the perception of such a world normal and mundane, which can also reduce criticality and caution with regard to technology.


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