Keywords: creativity, self-regulation, planning, modeling, originality, flexibility, productivity


Purpose. The research focuses on finding “common areas” between self-regulation and creativity, in particular, on empirical research of creativity of people with different levels of self-regulation.

Methods. The research is based on the questionnaire “The Style of Self-Regulation in Behaviour” by V. Morosanova, test “Creativity” by N. Vyshniakova, “Remote Associates Test” by S. Mednik. The following methods of mathematical statistics are used: cluster analysis, comparative analysis based on Scheffe’s test, correlation analysis based on Pearson’s test.

Results. With the help of cluster analysis the research participants were subdivided into three groups according to their self-regulation scales. It is proved that verbal productivity is higher in people with higher level of self-regulation. However, higher evaluation of their own creativity was in respondents with medium level of selfregulation. People with low self-regulation are less willing to find original ways of doing tasks. People with higher self-regulation have shown a tendency to produce a lot of creative ideas. This tendency is based on the ability to plan their actions and on flexibility of their behavior, as well as predicting further activity taking into account external and internal conditions. The group with a medium level of self-regulation demonstrates an intuitive approach to performing creative tasks at the background of high self-evaluation of creative abilities. Non-standard resol of tasks is accompanied by the ability to build a hierarchy of detailed plans of one’s activity. While solving creative tasks the group with low level of self-regulation tends to show curiosity and sense of humor, these qualities help evaluate the situation and rebuild plans and actions. However, creativity prevents such people from evaluating the situations in an adequate way and introduce due corrections.

Conclusions. Division of the research participants into the subgroups with different level of self-regulation allowed us to establish peculiarities of their creativity. It is established that self-regulation favors productivity in the process of solving creative tasks and is related to the flexibility of thinking and behaviour.


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