Research of features of emotional intelligence students-psychologists are considered in the article. The concept of emotional intelligence in psychological research is defined. The vast majority of researchers understand the concept of emotional intelligence as ability to recognize, understand and control emotions, meaning both own subject's emotions and emotions of other people. The basic approaches to the study of emotional intelligence were analyzed: the Mayer and Saloveys' model of abilities, emotional-social intelligence (ESI) of R. Bar-On, emotional intelligence as a model of emotional competences.
The aim of the research is to study the development features of emotional intelligence students-psychologists.
The following methods were used: theoretical and methodological analysis of scientific sources, systematization and generalization of psychological data on the problem of research; questionnaires; method of mathematical statistics (Mana-Whitney test, Wilcoxon t-test). Mathematical data processing was carried out using the package Statistica 7.0.
After investigating the results about the level of students' emotional intellect the participants of the research were divided into control and experimental groups. It was found out that students have the lowest scores on the scales of understanding and managing their emotions, self-motivation. In order to increase the overall level of emotional intelligence and some of its components, we have developed a social and psychological training. The experimental group's average on all scales increased after the training, and it was also found out that components such as empathy and control of others' emotions increased significantly after the training. No significant changes were detected in the control group.
It is concluded that training sessions can affect the level of emotional intelligence and can be used as
a means of increasing it. The prospects for further research in this direction have been identified.
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