Keywords: професійне вигорання, корекційні педагоги, синдром емоційного вигорання, методика Бойка, корекційна освіта, аутизм


Purpose. The article deals with the results of an empirical study of the level of formation and peculiarities of emotional burnout of special education specialists, depending on the content of professional activity, namely the category of children with whom they work.

Methods. An empirical study was conducted in two groups of defectologists. The study was divided according to the presence or absence of autistic disorders among children with whom they work. For the study, the technique “Diagnosis of emotional burnout” by V. Boyko was used. Methods of processing empirical data: analysis of averages, Student’s t-test, χ²-distribution

Results. The study found that the presence of children with correctional and developmental education for children with ASD has a statistically significant relationship with the level of emotional burnout. Defectologists who work with children with ASD are more likely to experience emotional burnout than their counterparts who do not have this category of children. They are characterized by the formation of all phases of emotional burnout. There were also statistically significant differences in the structure of emotional burnout, depending on the content of professional activity. A comparative analysis of the symptoms of emotional burnout revealed differences for indicators of self-dissatisfaction and emotional alienation. The symptom of “psychosomatic and psycho-autonomic disorders” is significant for researchers who work with children with autism spectrum disorders.

Conclusions. The results of the comparative analysis suggested that defectologists who work with children with autism spectrum disorders are more prone to emotional burnout. Characteristic pre-existing symptoms for defectologists working with children with autism spectrum disorders have also been identified. For them, the symptoms formed in the structure of emotional burnout are dissatisfaction with themselves and the formation of emotional alienation. The necessity of further research and development of psychohygienic and correctional programs of psychological support of specialists of correctional and developmental training working with children with autistic disorders in order to improve the quality of professional activity of specialists is substantiated.


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