Purpose. The purpose of our scientific research is to reveal the content, methods and principles of the development of reflection as a factor in the formation of personal responsibility in future medical professionals in the process of their professional formation.
Methods. The scientific search was based on the use of theoretical methods, namely psychological analysis of the problem of the development of reflection as a factor of formation of personal responsibility in future medical professionals, systematic analysis and generalization of theoretical and methodological approaches to issues related to the components of the structure of reflection and ways of its development in the future. medical professionals.
Results. In the process of research, it is determined that reflection is one of the important elements in the system of personal responsible professional activity of the modern physician, it performs a complex function of professional self-regulation. It is emphasized that the reflexive function of personal responsibility makes it possible for future medical professionals to choose the most successful way of providing effective medical care. The theoretical analysis made it possible to identify three ways of developing reflection in future medical professionals. It is noted that the development of reflection in the future medical professionals is a planned, purposeful process that includes professional self-knowledge, professional self-realization and professional self-realization. It is proved that the development of reflexive competence in the professional activity of future medical professionals is determined by the level of their adaptation to professional activity and activation of their own activity to changes, setting and achievement of new professional goals, and depends on four components: information, instrumental, evaluative and motivational.
Conclusions. We have found that an important condition for successful professional activity of future specialists in the medical field is the development of their personal responsibility, one of them being a factor of formation of which is a high level of development of reflection. Reflection enables future medical professionals to predict and critically analyze their professional activities, evaluate the effectiveness of their professional and personal development, and be personally responsible for their professional decisions, goals and priorities, means and methods of implementing these decisions.
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