Keywords: internal picture of disease, cognitive ideas about disease, multiple sclerosis, disease acceptance, social and psychological adaptation


The purpose of this article is theoretical and empirical study of the features of the relationship between the attitude to a disease and the psychological well-being of persons with chronic somatic disease.

Methods. We have used three psychodiagnostic questionnaires for the research: the illness cognition questionnaire (ICQ) (A. Evers F. Kraaimaat, adaptation by N. Sirota and D. Moskovchenko), Ryff’s scales of psychological well-being (adaptation by M. Lepeshinskyy), the social and psychological adaptation questionnaire (C. Rogers and R. Diamond, adaptation by O. Osnitskyy). Methods of processing empirical data were: Pearson’s correlation analysis, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis and Student’s t-test.

Results. 50 people with multiple sclerosis participated in the study. Positive correlations have been identified between disease acceptance, psychological well-being of these persons and its components (positive relations, autonomy, environmental mastery, personal growth, purpose in life, self-acceptance). Negative correlations have been proved to exist between the feelings helplessness due to disease and their psychological well-being, including its components such as autonomy, environmental mastery, purpose in life, self-acceptance. Positive correlations were identified between the tendency of these persons to positively overestimate the importance of the disease and their psychological well-being, including its components such as environmental mastery, personal growth, self-acceptance. Certain differences were identified in the indicators of psychological well-being of persons with different attitude to their chronic somatic disease.

Conclusions. It has been found that attitude to the disease is an important factor of person’s psychological well-being in case of chronic somatic disease. Persons who have a positive idea about their disease, accept it, realistically perceive the problems and limitations associated with the disease, see opportunities for personal growth have a higher level of psychological well-being and adaptability than those who focus on the negative aspects of the disease, treat it as a source of problems, limitations, subjectively burdensome feelings.


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