The article presents the theoretical substantiation of the psycholinguistic category communicative competence, which is one of the main professionally important qualities of forming the personality of a future specialist psychologist. Mental reality and speech communication of modern students are mediated by new ways of perceiving information that determine a new type of communicative behavior of its carriers. Based on the analysis of authoritative sources it is found out that the virtual communication space as a whole and the active use of the Internet in particular significantly affect the features of communicatively mediated communication of young people, deforming its verbal component. The purpose of the article is to theoretically substantiate and empirically study the development of communicative competence of future psychologists by means of psychological training. The study used a set of methods, namely theoretical analysis of works devoted to virtual discourse in scientific publications of the last two decades. Also, in order to study the effectiveness of the developed training program, a number of empirical methods were applied – observation, experiment, testing, method of studying products of activity, method of expert evaluation.
Results. In order to develop communicative competence, the psychological training “Formation of Communicative Competence” was developed and implemented in the educational process. The algorithm for designing and applying assignments for lessons is characterized. The study was attended by 107 respondents, who form 4 academic groups of students of 1 and 2 courses of the Kiev National Trade and Economic University specializing in psychology. To test the effectiveness of training the development of communicative competence of students in control groups, the method “Diagnosis of communicative setting V.V. Boyko” and the methodology “Diagnosis of communicative social competence (CSC)”. The results obtained were processed using statistical methods.
Conclusions. The effectiveness of the influence of psychological training “Formation of communicative competence” on the development of personality-oriented speech communication of active Internet users has been proved, which as a whole is a predictor of more effective communication strategies. The prospect of further research with the involvement of students of other professional fields (future philologists, managers), as well as the study of gender differences in virtual communication and their influence on the mental development of the individual, are offered.
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