Keywords: territorial identity, educational migration, subjective psychological well-being, student youth, affection for the city, urban and rural culture


In the psychological knowledge there is an objective necessity of understanding the phenomenon of urban identity with the purpose of deepening scientific psychological knowledge about the essence of this concept, as well as for the practical purpose of regulating migration processes, particularly educational migration. Since the urban space is an important component of the social environment, then the parameters of urban identity, the measure of its wholeness, integrity, or, on the contrary, contradiction and internal conflict, are a factor of maintaining the psychological well-being of the individual.

The aim – to establish the interconnection between the level of formation of urban identity and the psychological well-being among urban and rural student youth.

Methods. “The identification scale with the city” by M. Lalli has been applied, which contains five semantic blocks: the external value of the city, general affection, connection with the past, perception of affinity, goal setting; “The scale of psychological well-being” K. Riff in the adaptation of T.D. Shevelenkova, P.P. Fesenko. The questionnaire consists of the six main scales: positive relationships with others, autonomy, environmental management, personal growth, the purpose in life, self-acceptance. The empirical study involved full-time students, the “urban” (parents live in the city) and the “rural” (parents live in the village) have been distinguished among them, the students live in the university dormitory.

Results and conclusions. It has been found out that the wholeness and integrity of urban identity are an important indicator of maintaining the psychological well-being of the individual. The differences in the level of manifestation of urban identity between urban students and rural students were identified, especially it concerns such components as general affection for the city and connection with the past. It has been established the interconnections between urban identity and the indicators of psychological well-being, that testifies to the influence of a positive emotional attitude to the city on positive relationships with others, the ability to manage their environment, self-acceptance, the vision namely in the city of their further life trajectory, that is, the students perceive the urban environment as the potential that provides an opportunity for professional and personal development.


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