• A.V Turubarova
  • А.А. Priadkina
Keywords: Dauna syndrome, young school, speech, communication


The article is devoted to the state of development of the problem of the development of speech in young schoolchildren with Down syndrome. The authors reveal the history of scientific research by scientists about Down syndrome as a genetic disorder and the psychological development of this category of children, includ- ing speech.
The article notes the contribution of foreign scholar L. Kumin in the development of communication skills in children with Down syndrome. In her books, she describes the peculiarities of children with Down syn- drome, which influence the development of speech, especially the stimulation of children 6-8 months for the development of speech and the possibility of using auxiliary means of communication.
The authors of the article draw attention to the study of P. Zhianovoy, which reveals the main stages of the child’s development, its characteristics and features, the systematic approach to supporting the child of early and pre-school age with Down syndrome, and early and psychological and pedagogical assistance to families.
It also highlights the strong and problematic aspects of the development of children with Down syndrome, which should be borne in mind when forming communication skills and speech.
The article deserves special attention to the scientific developments on the development of speech and communicative skills of children with Down syndrome such modern Ukrainian scholars as A. Savitsky and R. Kovtun.
The authors note that in children with Down syndrome there is an underdevelopment of many mental functions. Lack of mental development affects child development opportunities in many spheres. Of course, lagging also affects the skills of communication, because it relies on cognitive abilities, the ability to analyze, understand certain concepts, memorize them
The authors of the article conclude that the scientific analysis of the state of development of the problem of development of speech in children of primary school age with Down syndrome showed research by foreign and domestic scientists of the following issues: speech development of children; personality characteristics of children, influencing the development of their speech; the strengths and weaknesses of the development of children, which should be taken into account when forming communication skills and speech; a systematic approach to escorting a child of early and preschool age with Down syndrome; directions of formation and correction of speech in children; formation of communicative abilities of children; the use of alternative com- munication tools in the development of children’s speech; early psychological and pedagogical assistance to families, etc.


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