Keywords: professional re-adaptation, personality, factors of influence on the personality, problem-driven society


The article reveals the factors of influence on occupational re-adaptation of a person in the settings of the problemogenic society.

The Purpose of this study was to carry out a systematic review of scientific sources that highlight the factors influencing the professional re-adaptation of a person in the face of a troubled society, using the three-vector approach proposed by Carpenter P. and Foster B.

Methods. The study used a literature review strategy based on the format proposed by the Joanne Briggs Institute (JBI). The literature search was conducted in such bases as: Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), PsycINFO, Scopus and Informit. Additionally, the Joanne Briggs Institute Critical Assessment Tool (checklist) for qualitative and cross-sectional research was used.

Results. Among the identified internal factors of readaptation were revealed such ones as: self-perception, self-positioning, self-concept, self-confidence. motives of readaptation, interests, advantages, inclinations, ambitions and possibilities, desire, interests, desire to realize, self-expression, self-actualization in life, conscious control, personal interest in the inert environment. External factors of readaptation were mentioned in the pursuit of better working conditions, higher financial rewards, social recognition (higher prestige) and a better social package, as well as professional, psychological, social and cultural requirements and challenges, unregulated work schedules, tough deadlines, component of stress, authoritarian leadership style, conservativeness of moral attitudes, aggressive attitude, moral abuse. Among the interpersonal factors of readaptation were mentioned such as: personality characteristics, cultural characteristics, universally recognized social roles in the ethnic community – influence of family and immediate surroundings, individualistic culture, lack of support, competition, social stereotypes, universally recognized socialities.

Conclusions. It has been found that the above three groups of factors that underpin this study are decisive for professional re-adaptation and influence the behavior and decision-making system of the individual. The factors of the occupational re-adaptation differ significantly in collectivist and individualistic cultural (ethno-national) communities, and are related to the value system and education. Factors influencing the professional re-adaptation of the individual in conditions of problem society are associated not only with psychological and social factors, but also with the state of human health.


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