Keywords: specialists of the social sphere, reflection, reflective competence autopsychological competence, self-reflection, reflective practice


The purpose of the article is to scientifically comprehend and differentiate the concepts of specialists’s of social sphere reflexive and autopsychological competence, to determine the means of their empirical research.

Methods. Theoretical analysis and generalization of data from literature sources allowed to methodologically substantiate the use of psychodiagnostic methods aimed at studying the reflexive and autopsychological competence of social sphere’s specialists. In particular, the research methods of reflection, assessment methods of components of self-concept and self-image, self-consciousness and self-conception are considered. Reflective practices, used in vocational training, are discussed separately.

Results. The key moments of understanding in the psychological science the specialists’ autopsychological and reflexive competence are analyzed. It is determined that reflexive competence is a professional personal quality, which is manifested in the implementation of reflexive processes, accelerates personal and professional development, enhances creativity. Autopsychological competence is the integrated ability to reflective processes at the individual-personal level of mental regulation of professional activity of socionomic’s professionals. An important tool for the professional development is self-reflection, as a process of self-analysis, self-esteem, self-control and self-observation of the individual.

Conclusions. Detected, that the ability for professional reflection is an important factor in achieving a high level of skill and effectiveness. Reflective competence is a meta-competence in the structure of the specialists’ personality-professional competence, which provides the capacity for awareness and criticism of oneself as a subject of activity, the process of professional activity, the person in need, as the object of cognition and professional influence. Reflexive competence is a common concept for autopsychological competence and self-reflection of specialists. Reflective practices, that shape the qualities of self-reflection of professional behavior, attitude and motivation of social sphere’s specialists, are of great importance during vocational training.


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