Keywords: interpersonal trust, institutional trust, social capital, socio-psychological climate, organization


Purpose. The aim of the study is to determine the influence of interpersonal and institutional trust on indicators of the socio-psychological climate in an organization.

Methods. The empirical study was conducted on the basis of a private enterprise whose employees are engaged in juridical and tax activities. In the study 38 people took part, these are employees of different social statuses in the organization, the average age is 35,6 years, among them there are 21 women (55,3%) and 17 men (44,7%). The following methods have been applied: “The methods for assessing trust/distrust of a person towards other people” (A. Kupreichenko), which contains five symmetric scales of trust or distrust: “Reliability”, “Knowledge”, “Unity”, “Amicability”, “Calculation"; The methods for assessing the level of trust in an organization (Robert B. Sho) contains the scales: “Trust”, “Concern”, “Consistency”, “Affectiveness”; to assess the psychological atmosphere in the collective the methods of A. Fidler was used (adapted by Yu. Khanin).

Results and conclusions. It has been determined that trust is a component of communication of subjects at the level of individuals, groups, organizations, social institutions, society as a whole. The trust of employees to the organization is one of the most important conditions, which provides its effectiveness, which determines the need for implementing measures, aimed at maintaining the necessary level of employee trust. It was found out, that the employees of the test collective highly appreciate the organizational and productive work parameters, at the same time, at the emotional level there is a certain coldness, estrangement, unfriendliness.

It has been determined the presence of statistically significant relationships between the parameters of interpersonal and institutional trust (trust to the organization as a social institute) and indicators of the socio-psychological climate in the collective. The perspectives of further research are the study of the influence of trust on the subjective welfare of employees of an organization.


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