Keywords: educational environment, corporate culture, organizational culture, student community, psychological safeness


The article deals with the analysis of the phenomenon of the corporate culture of the university from the students' point of view.

Purpose. The aim is to establish the interconnection between the psychological safeness of the educational environment and the students' perceptions of the corporate culture of the university.

Methods. In the study, to diagnose students' perceptions about the corporate culture of the university, the typology of K. Cameron and R. Quinn OCAI has been applied, which is built on two dimensions: flexibility, dynamism – stability, control; internal integration, unity – external orientation, competition. These dimensions form four types of corporate culture: bureaucratic, clan, market and adhocratic. To diagnose the psychological safeness of the educational environment, the questionnaire by I. O. Bayeva has been applied, which measures the significant characteristics of the educational environment and the index of satisfaction with them on the part of the educational process subjects.

Results. It was determined that, in general, the hierarchical type of corporate culture prevails in the group of test students, this testifies a low level of communication among the student community, superficial relationships between students, strict hierarchy and discipline. The indicators of clan culture increase in the desired state of the university’s corporate culture compared to the assessments of its real state, that is, the students imagine the student community in the future as unique by its characteristics, emphasize that the style of management should be characterized by the encouragement of teamwork, coherence in collective decision making; maintain mutual trust and frankness.

Conclusions. It has been shown that the degree of satisfaction with the characteristics of the university's educational environment in the test sample of students is above average, the significant characteristics are relationships with teachers and other students, respectful attitude towards students, preserving personal dignity, the possibility to ask for help. It has been established the interconnection between the satisfaction of the psychological safeness of the educational environment and assessments of the corporate culture of the university on the part of students, namely, the assessment of corporate culture as hierarchical with severe demands reduces the students' sense of psychological safeness; the assessments of corporate culture as open, democratic, creative increase the indicators of psychological safeness.


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