Keywords: life position, identity crisis, subject-object orientation, basic values, adult development, psychological well-being


The topicality of studying the life position in psychology is determined by a paradigmatic transition to an understanding of the individual as a self-determined and self-organized structure.

The purpose of the article is to theoretically substantiate and empirically determine the peculiarities of the adult life position formation. The theoretical analysis of the problem of life position formation at different stages of socialization is started in the paper.

The following methods were used to realize the purpose of the research: analysis of research sources, comparison, classification, generalization and systematization of scientific data, conversation, questioning and testing. The obtained data were subjected to mathematical and statistical processing. The scientific attention is shown to be focused mainly on three determinative periods of life: the formation of an unconscious life scenario in early relationships with parents, a conscious self-identification during the transition from youth to adulthood and the experience of an existential crisis of the midlife. The crisis aspects of identity formation have priority in researches, while gradual, evolutionary changes in the life position (as an indispensable feature of personal development and the enrichment of one's own life philosophy) remain unaddressed.

The results of the comparative empirical research in two age groups representing an early (25–39 years) and late (40–59 years) adult population with a total of 70 people are presented. The diagnostics of life orientations, existential fullness, basic values, and psychological well-being was executed. The obtained results show that the level of subject activity, the sense of fullness of one's own life and its profuseness with meaning has the same expressiveness in different age groups. However, the qualitative differences in the characteristics of subject orientation are identified, allowing us to conclude about the gradual unfolding of the life position in different periods of adulthood. The conducted empirical study showed that the transition from early to late adulthood (passing the clandmark stage of 40 years) is accompanied by the changes in life position that manifests itself in the exteriorization of the control locus and creatively-transformative life activity, aimed at knowledge and perfection of their inner world. The basic values profile of different age groups is elaborated, the leading role of social orientation is elucidated. The correlations between the components of the life position and the psychological well-being of the individual are identified and explained.

The conclusions are made regarding the nature of the qualitative evolution of the adult life position.


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