Keywords: loneliness, sex, personal characteristics, student’s age, extraversion, emotional stability, self-confidence, self-esteem, psychological well-being


Purpose. The investigation of psychological characteristics of loneliness experience in the student’s age was aimed at theoretical substitution and empirical research of the influence of sexual and personal characteristics on the state of loneliness experience in the student’s age. As the conceptual hypothesis the statement of the existence of a certain influence of sexual and personal characteristics on the state of loneliness experience in the student age has been chosen. According to empirical hypotheses, this influence is caused by sex differences of loneliness experience in the student age and the connection between the indicators of loneliness experience and certain personal characteristics – high levels of extraversion and emotional stability cause low level of loneliness. Methods. The following methods were chosen for the empirical research: UCLA Loneliness Scale (D. Russell, M. Ferguson); differential questionnaire of loneliness experience (E. Osin, D. Leontiev); Five-Factor Model (R. McCray, P. Costa; adapted by A. Khromov); self-confidence self-test (V. G. Romek, adapted by T. Shevelenkova and T. Fesenko); express method of the level of self-esteem establishing (N. Fetiskin, V. Kozlov, G. Manuilov). Results. The study involved students aged 18 to 19 in the amount of 100 students, among whom 60 were selected from the pilot sample – 30 boys and 30 girls with middle and high level of loneliness experience. After checking the data for the normality of distribution, the Mann-Whitney criterion was chosen for the comparative analysis, and the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient was used for the correlation analysis. The empirical hypotheses have been confirmed as follows: there are sex differences of loneliness experience in the student age and high levels of extraversion and emotional stability cause low level of loneliness.

Conclusions. The empirical correlations between the phenomenon of loneliness and personal characteristics have been established and the differences in the loneliness experience depending on the gender have been found. The connection of such personal characteristics as extraversion, emotional stability, self-confidence, self-esteem, as well as 2 characteristics for predicting the level of loneliness depending on sex have been distinguished.


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