• Tetiana Oleksandrivna Kostina
Keywords: gender, gender inequality, masculinity, gender schema theory, femininity


Purpose. Systematize the information of the basic theories of foreign scientists who have worked in the field of gender research. To show the connection of the relevant scientific fields to the development of gender studies in psychological science (primarily sociology). Update the importance of gender studies for the development of modern society. To determine methodological advantages of using S. Bohm’s method for determining gender roles of a person when dealing with gender issues.

Methods. Scientific research has focused on identifying the theoretical foundations that should underpin gender issues, including the prevention of gender inequality and gender discrimination. During the work, the following research methods were used: system-structural analysis of literature, generalization of scientific literature data on gender issues. The methodological capabilities of the Bem Sex-Role Inventory (BSRI) questionnaire in the study of gender personality roles were analyzed.

Results. The theoretical analysis made it possible to highlight the main findings that were made by foreign scholars in the field of gender studies. Thus, sociological science has enriched psychology with the following concepts: a gendered society (M. Kimmel); research on gender non-conformists (B. Risman); “Hegemonic masculinity” (R. Connell).In the field of psychology, a significant impact on the development of gender has been made by such scholars as: W. Farrell (crisis of male identity, departure from gender framework); Jungian psychologist A. Jonson (correlation of femininity and masculinity in the context of depth psychology); E. Kaschak (research in the context of women’s experience analysis); Sh. Burn (development of social gender psychology); J. Hyde (gender similarities hypothesis); S. Bem (gender schema theory and Bem Sex-Role Inventory (BSRI)).

Conclusions. It has been determined that the S. Bem method allows to define the following gender roles: masculinity, femininity, uniformity and undifferentiated type. The gender schema theory developed by S. Bem allows us to distinguish two strategies to move beyond gender stereotypes in the course of raising children: 1) teach children to differentiate between the biological sex (understand its true attributes); 2) offer children an alternative scheme (as opposed to established patterns).


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