• L.V. Drozd
Keywords: setting life goals, special educational needs, adolescents, intellectual disabilities, correction programme


This research is devoted to the development and approbation of a corrective programme for developing skills of setting life goals in adolescents with intellectual disabilities. The article outlines the methodological and theoretical principles of the noted Programme. The major objective of the Programme was to determine the social and psychological, as well as correctional and pedagogical conditions, to elaborate a special methodology for developing skills of setting life goals in adolescents with intellectual disabilities in the course of specially organised correctional trainings and to evaluate their effectiveness in special general education schools, and afterwards within the framework of inclusive education. The article suggests the particular stages of conducting classes for developing skills of setting life goals in adolescents with intellectual disabilities. The authors also reveal the results of assessing the reasons for the underdevelopment of the life goal-setting skills in adolescents with intellectual disabilities, namely, the violation of the emotional, volitional, and motivational sphere, the lack and weakness of self-control, impulsivity, the weakness of the analysis and comparison with the gained experience, psychological problems associated with the post-traumatic stress. The Going for the program is designed to teach adolescents life skills. There have been few efforts to assess whether the skills that goal is designed to teach are being learned by adolescents involved in the program. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of goal on the acquisition of skills in the areas of setting goals, solving problems, and seeking social support. Interviews were conducted with adolescents. Those who participated in program reported that they had learned how to set goals, to solve problems effectively, and to seek the appropriate type of social support. The research highlights the major key-points and stages of correctional trainings; moreover, it acknowledges the conditions in which the correctional Programme will positively impact future goal-setting skills' development in adolescents with intellectual disabilities. In order to achieve this goal, the authors have developed an experimental project for creating a Regional Inclusive Education Advisory Service.


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