Keywords: metacognitive processes, learning activity, academic achievement, student


Purpose. The theoretical approaches to the study of psychological features of the learning the metacognitive processes in student learning activity have been studies in the article. Based on theoretical analysis, the topicality of studying the metacognitive processes needed for successful learning activities, and necessity to control own intellectual activity has been emphasized. For efficient learning of students, it is required from them to have an ability to analyze and control own learning activity by self-regulation. Therefore, a student must be able to execute metacognitive activity for ensuring efficient learning as the rational combination of these strategies can ensure efficiency and success of learning activity. The main purpose of our research was to determine psychological characteristics of metacognitive processes in learning activity of students and their impact on academic success of students.

Methods. Theoretical, empirical, mathematical and statistical methods of data processing have been used in the research.

Results. An average level indicator of student academic success been empirically evaluated. The level of impact of the metacognitive processes on learning activity of students, and the correlations between the levels of the metacognitive processes development of the students and the levels of their academic achievements have been characterized. Empirical research with the use of appropriate methodological instruments proved that the average level of development of metacognitive processes directly correlates with the high level of their success, thus confirming the hypothesis of our research.  Correlation between the low level of development of student metacognitive processes and the high level of success is inversely statistically significant. Correlation between the high level of development of student metacognitive processes and the high level of success is also inversely statistically significant.

Conclusions. Theoretical analysis and empirical research emphasizes the necessity of further particular researching the components of psychological self-regulation of student learning activity in the process of metacognitive monitoring, and metacognitive processes and reflexivity as the most important mechanisms of the student learning activity.


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