Keywords: Entity, personal source, psychological defenses, music listening, craving, self-control, hedonism, students


The purpose of the research is to determine personal presuppositions and peculiarities of the realization of the craving for music as a source of psychological defenses of students. Methods. The test persons were 97 students. The level of the test persons’ immersion in listening to music was assessed with the help of a research questionnaire. The following methods were used: subjective control scale of R. Baumeister, time perspective questionnaire of P. Zimbardo, Freiburg Personality Questionnaire, “Defending action patterns” (Kellermann– Plutchik–Conte). For a statistical data analysis, the author used the cluster and correlation analyses, Mann– Whitney U-test. Results. With the cluster analysis, the author distinguished two subgroups. Subgroup 1 had a higher control, but a lower hedonistic orientation of the present, a subjective value of music, frequency of a changing time perception while listening to music. Subgroup 2 had a higher frequency of music listening with a preferred higher level of music loudness as well as frequency of music listening in studies and for averting a bad mood. Subgroup 2 had a higher level of irritability, spontaneous aggressiveness, reactive aggressiveness, depressiveness. The craving for music in subgroup 2 corresponds to the distinct manifestation of psychological defenses and their intensity. Conclusions. Students’ craving for music is driven by the availability of devices, high subjective value of music, reduced self-control, reduced orientation to real relationships, hedonism, aptitude for escaping from an objective reality. The following is important for students with a bias towards music: high listening frequency, high sound level, expressed rhythm. The realization of students’ craving for music serves as a source of psychological defenses – denying the reality, substitution, regression, compensation, suppression. The defending function of craving for listening to music is realized by students due to aggravated aggressiveness, irritability, depressiveness, intent to change the mood and have fun.


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