Keywords: person, art, life scenario, styles and directions in painting, epoch, artistic and aesthetic values, individually typological features


Purpose. The purpose of the article is theoretical substantiation and empirical study of the connection between preferences of the style of painting and the formed types of life scenarios. The article deals with a topic that is relevant to modern society, namely the connection of the dependence of artistic preferences and social situation of the development of society in different epochs. The article focuses on the fact that culture has always played a special role in the improvement of personality, in the formation of its individual picture of the world, because it accumulated all the emotional, moral and evaluative experience of society.

Methods. Were used the next psychodiagnostic tests for the research of the formed psychological features during life: the test “My life path”, the test “Life style Index” (R. Pluchik, G. Kellerman, G. Conte), the test “Detection of life’s values of the personality” (P.M Ivanov, E.F Kolobov). Was used an author questionnaire to the research preferences of a particular style of painting, and the method observation and the method conversation were used to clarify of the results obtained.

Results. The connection between the respondents’ preferences in painting certain styles and the formed psychological features is established. There is a high level of correlation between preferences in painting style of Renaissance, of Classicism, of Impressionism and of Abstractionism and the formed psychological characteristics of the respondents throughout life. Owing to empirical research, it has been found that there is the connection between preferences of Baroque and Surrealism painting and the formed psychological features of the sample. The following types of respondents’ life scenarios were identified: revived, baroque, classical, impressionistic, surreal and abstract. Features of identified types of life scenarios are presented.

Conclusions. The analysis of the peculiarities of the perception of painting styles as a result of the life path of the person shows that there is a high level connection between the formed psychological peculiarities in ontogeny and the preferences in the painting of certain styles. In turn, through the revealed connection, types of life scenarios and their peculiarities were established.



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