Keywords: personality, well-being, subjective well-being, positive relationship with others, autonomy, environment management, personal growth, goals in life, self-perception


Purpose. Рurpose of the article is to carry out a theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of psychological well-being, to describe the features of psychological well-being of the individual. Тo analyze the results of an experimental study of psychological peculiarities of well-being of early adulthood.

Methods. Theoretical analysis of domestic and foreign scientific sources, which allowed to identify, summarize and organize the materials on the research problem. The methodical tools were: a method “Scale of psychological well-being” (K. Riff).

Results. Theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of psychological well-being in the context of psychology is presented, its features from the point of view of various scientific interpretations have been highlighted. A view on the concept of psychological well-being as a condition for self-realization of personality is revealed. The factors, components of the phenomenon been analyzed. This paper describes the approaches of psychological well-being in modern psychology. The results of the empirical study of the peculiarities of this phenomenon psychological well-being in early adulthood have been analyzed.

Conclusions. As a result of the study an empirical analysis of the psychological peculiarities of psychological well-being. It is established that in this group of women of early adulthood in the structure of psychological well-being the most important are the following parameters: “personal growth”, “positive relationship with others”, “self-perception”. Somewhat less pronounced are the parameters “goals in life”, “autonomy”, “environment management”. Practical recommendations for raising the level of psychological well-being of women of early adulthood been developed according to the results of the study.


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