Keywords: grounds of self-realization, signs of self-realization, categories, content analysis, conversation, components of self-realization


Modern society is putting forward new demands on the individual that should meet today’s economic and socio-political challenges, actualizing the study of human self-realization.

Purpose of the research is to reveal essential characteristics of personal self-realization.

Methods. There have been used a system of methods and techniques, which included: theoretical methods (literature analysis; synthesis, comparison, generalization) of existing conceptions and approaches to the problem of self-realization and empirical methods (conversation, content analysis of essays) – to study the essence and specific characteristics of personal self-realization, as well as mathematical and statistical methods (quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data obtained).

Results. There has been found out that researchers’ views on the phenomenon of self-realization differ according to the theoretical concepts they adhere to. In general, self-realization is considered a process and result of one’s own activity, which can be determined by both internal and external factors, has specific characteristics, forms and levels. Based on the data obtained from scientific literature it should be mentioned that its essence remains approximately the same, despite the differences of the proposed concepts and theoretical views.

Conclusions. The expediency of creating psychodiagnostic tools for studying the individual aspects of personal self-realization – emotional, cognitive and volitional components in the process of self-realization, which is impossible without a certain result and certain personal values/meanings, has been established. Forms of self-realization (as well as factors and signs) should be considered depending on its levels.


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