Keywords: authenticity, identity, psychological well-being, self-realization, pedagogical activity, socionomic professions


The article is devoted to the problem of identifying the possibilities of integrating psychological knowledge of personality identity.

The purpose of the article is to elucidate the results of testing the methodology of narrative identity in the context of an integrative approach in psychology.

Methods: Narrative Identity Questionnaire (NIQ, S.T. Douglas, 2019). The NIQ technique is a measure of memory reflexivity in response to reading a text; consists of 19 statements, which are rated on a 5-point scale (from 0 = “not quite” to 4 – “quite true”). The questionnaire contains three scales: 1) transformation of memories, 2) ruminative separation and isolation, and 3) self-understanding and self-acceptance. In our empirical study, 96 students-future psychologists participated, who in the first stage – wrote an essay on a traumatic crisis situation, and in the second – answered the questionnaire.

Results. Transformation of memories is better expressed in the studied men, while women, although they do not perceive the crisis described as uncomfortable, still remember its details. Men are more likely to ruminate, more often than women find their experience unique, meaningful to them, they isolate the crisis from their daily lives, while women tend to relate the events of their past, present and future into a single continuum of life, better integrate the experience they have acquired. in post-crisis functioning.

Conclusions. The distinction between social and personal identity is necessary to further integrate the content of these concepts in order to more fully consider the phenomenon of identity in the variety of possible manifestations; integrative psychology, in particular in the context of identity identity theory, is becoming increasingly popular, its theoretical intelligence is confirmed by psychodiagnostic questionnaires, in particular the Narrative Identity Questionnaire (NIQ, 2019), and the results of diagnostics, in turn, make psychoactive discoveries.


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