• M.B. Hasiuk
  • І.М. Shchuryk
Keywords: internal picture of health, distortion of the internal picture of health, behavioral strategy, psy- chocorrection self-esteem attitude to health, training


Formulation of the problem. Today the theoretical and methodological foundations of psychological sup- port for teenagers with acquired defects of the musculoskeletal system are not sufficiently developed in a special psychology, there are not enough improvements on the content and methods of psychocorrection work with children who have the acquired functional disorders. Thus, studying the features of the self-concept of adolescents with acquired defects of the musculoskeletal system, the academic O.I.Kuprieieva concluded that the acquired physical defect is the cause of negative self-attitude, the rejection of his own «Me», the lowering of self-respect which is reflected in the low self-esteem [4].
The analysis of theoretical research allowed the hypothesis that the change of the life quality of the adoles- cents with the acquired musculoskeletal disabilities may be possible through the change of attitude to them- selves as well as to their health. The self-adoption in a new physical state through changing the attitude towards health is a strategy for survival behavior.
Comparative analysis of the structural components of the concepts «attitude to health» and «internal picture of health» allows us to consider them as synonyms, which essentially integrate all the psychological categories of personal health factors. This knowledge is about health, awareness and understanding of the role of health in the human life, understanding the impact of health on social functions, emotional and behavioral reactions. The attitude to health (internal picture of health) is central, but the issues on health psychology are not sufficiently developed so far, especially in the field of age psychology. Scientists ask: how to turn health into a leading, organic, conscious and vital human needs, how to help people form an adequate attitude to their health. And this is especially important in adolescence [2].
The aim of our research is to investigate the correction of internal picture of the health of adolescents with acquired defects of the musculoskeletal system.
1. Theoretical analysis of the concept of internal picture of health.
2. To describe the psychological characteristics of internal picture of the health of adolescents with acquired defects of the musculoskeletal system.
Thus, the internal picture of health in adolescent with acquired defects of the musculoskeletal system is a collection of ideas about the current state of health, complex of emotional disturbances and feelings about it, and a set of behaviors to preserve and restore health. Internal picture of disease is not only a set of emotional disorders, but also certain processes of intellectual manner associated with consciousness, disturbances and attitude to the disease.
There are three types of IPH, two of which are maladaptive and need psychological correction. In the inverted IPH type the psychological correction should be aimed at forming an active strategy for sustaining one’s own health, pursuing the adolescent with acquired defects of the musculoskeletal system that his health depends on his own efforts and the expansion of consciousness towards positive trends. In dissociative IPH type the psychologist work with adolescent should be aimed at the adoption of the existence of actual disease and forming the individual-oriented position on one’s own health.


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