• Svitlana Dmytrivna Yakovleva
  • Hanna Vadymivna Slobodianiuk
Keywords: co-operation, co-teaching practice, competencies, pedagogy in partnership, model of work


Purpose. The research purpose is to investigate the difficulties encountered by teachers and teacher assistants during co-teaching in the conditions of implementation of the "New Ukrainian School" concept and effectiveness of such cooperation in the inclusive environment.

Methods. The theoretical analysis of the special literature on the researched problem, the survey of teachers and teacher assistants, quantitative and qualitative analysis of the obtained experimental data.

Results. The article analyzes cooperation between teachers and teacher assistants at elementary schools with inclusive education in the context of implementation of the “New Ukrainian School” concept. Proper interactions between teachers and teacher assistants is the most important link for proper inclusion, which help overcome difficulties arisen during cooperation and assist effectively children with special educational needs in the process of joint teaching. The obtained experimental data have revealed interactions between teachers and teacher assistants using joint teaching and identified difficulties in their work, which is important for reviewing and improving of joint actions of teachers and their assistants for effective cooperation and overcoming barriers in their work. The work of the most surveyed teachers and teacher assistants is effective if they use common teaching practice, but some of the research results indicate that cooperation should be improved, as well as effectiveness of their interactions. A model of interviewing of teachers and teacher assistants working with the first-form children in the inclusive environment of “New Ukrainian School” was developed during the research in order to examine difficulties and effectiveness of their cooperation. In addition, a possible training “How to create effective relations between teachers and teacher assistants” is offered. The research findings can be used by teachers of inclusive classes and their assistants working within the “New Ukrainian School” Concept to identify and overcome difficulties in joint activities and to increase effectiveness of their interactions.

Conclusions. Now, during reformation of the education system and the introduction of the “New Ukrainian School” Concept, the problem of effective interactions between teachers and their assistants is particularly urgent. That is why their joint activity should be organized properly to overcome difficulties of co-operation and to provide effective assistance to children with special education needs in the process of such co-teaching.


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