• Natalia Yuriivna Tsybuliak
Keywords: professional stress, professional activity, professional important quality, objective and subjective stressor factors, level of mental tension, stressful situation


The purpose of represented research is theoretical grounding and empirical studying of the level of professional stress resistant and stress factors for a special education teacher with different professional work experience. The article represents theoretical and empirical grounding of professional stress resistant of a special education teacher. The main characteristics of stress resistance as a professional quality have been substantiated. The importance of professional stress for the professional activity of a special educator has been outlined. The specificity of professional stress factors has been identified.

Methods. Among the research methods were used theoretical methods (analysis, systematization and generalization); empirical methods (testing using the Boston Stress Test Method, the questionnaire “Differential- Integral Assessment of Occupational Stress Factors” (V. Korolchuk, M. Korolchuk, S. Soldatov, adapted version); and methods of mathematical statistics (average values analysis).

The results of realization of the program of empirical research reflects that the level of the professional stress resistant of special education teachers with work experience up to 5 years has the highest scores, the lowest rates of development of stress resistance was fixed for professionals with work experience from 5 to 10 years, and for special education teachers with work experience more than 10 years was recorded an average value. It has been established that professional stress resistance is manifested under the influence of professional stress factors, the specificity of which is determined by a specific type of professional activity. It is also found that special education teachers with different work experience do not respond equally to the influence of different objective and subjective stress factors: subjective factors are more significant for professionals with work experience up to 5 years, for special education teachers with work experience from 5 to 10 years - objective factors, and professionals work experience more than 10 years are vulnerable to both subjective and objective stress factors.

Conclusions. Presented conclusions, that the development of professional stress resistance of special education teachers as a systemic professional-personal psychological formation occurs during the professional activity. The core of the process of the formation of professional stress resistance is the development of the individual in the process of performing professional activities. It is important to take into account the experience and relevant stress factors of professional stress in different stages of professional development.


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