• Maryna Serhiivna Omelchenko
Keywords: professional competence, professional consciousness, professional actions, correctional teacher


Purpose. The purpose of this scientific article is to elucidate the results of the study of correctional educators’ professional competence.

Methods. The study of the features of professional actions is one of the stages of studying the psychology of correctional teachers’ professional consciousness. The research activity on the outlined problem wasconducted in two directions: determination of professional skills and psychological analysis of professional activity of correctional educator.

The methods of researching the professional actions of the correctional teacher were used: analysis of scientific literature and experiment (observation of the professional activities of investigated).

Results. In the course of psychological research of professional activity in different groups of correctional educators it was found that the majority of students (future specialists) showed initial level of competence (88.46%).

Тhe best result іn the groups of adaptation period was shown by young teachers of defectologists (82.76% – average level). The lowest rates were in the groups of correctional teachers-“subjects” (78.38%). In our view, there is no significant disagreement and, given the considerable difficulties encountered by adapters, such indicators are quite relevant.

The results of observation of correctional educators-professionals’ professional activity, especially concerning the assistants of teachers of inclusive classes, were unexpected. Most of them remained at the average level of competence (72.22%), although it is considered that after 10 years of experience the teacher should already reach the professional level (only 22.22%).

Conclusions. Low levels of professionalism and skill in groups of professionals with more than 10 years of professional experience indicate the need to optimize the process of competence development at the stage of vocational training and in the first five years of work: development and active implementation of special programs for vocational training and advanced training courses; improving the conditions of correctional educators’ professional activity.


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