• Hanna Oleksandrivna Lopatina
Keywords: speech personality of preschooler, speech phylogeny, speech ontogeny, speech disorders caused by organic lesions of the central nervous system


The purpose of the article was to characterize the speech personality of preschool children with speech disorders caused by organic lesions of the central nervous system in its phylogenetic and ontogeny. The study used theoretical methods, in particular, carried out a thorough analysis of the concepts “speech personality of a preschooler”, “speech phylogeny”, “speech ontogeny”, “speech disorders related to organic damage to the central nervous system”. Different approaches to the study of the speech personality are presented. Models of speech generation that do not contradict each other, but refine, refine and specify the theory of speech activity are characterized.

Factors that indirectly and directly influence the formation of the speech personality of a preschool child with speech impairments have been identified. It is stated that the speech personality is considered as a task, object of study, research reception and is the subject of study of sociologists, psychologists, psycholinguists, linguists, linguists. Becoming a speech personality of a preschool-age child with speech impairment is defined as a complicated process of acquiring a child (a subject of speech interaction) due to his or her speech activity of new communicative abilities, abilities and competences that make him / her a personality.

The findings indicate that the development of a child’s speech personality interacts with adults and peers in various activities, which involves resolving complex philosophical contradictions. Speech personality is defined as a child, able to speak clearly, clearly, skillfully use voice, tempo, intonation, facial expressions, gestures in different situations of communication. Also, the leading conditions for the formation of a speech personality of a preschool child with speech disorders due to organic lesions of the central nervous system, such as: providing motivation, development of sensorimotor, gnostic-praxical structures, speech units of different levels, as well as linguistic and stimulating environment, are determined.


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