• Tetiana Ihorivna Chyrkova
Keywords: field of motivation, psychological health, chronic case, psycho-traumatic event, sociocultural approach, differentiation of causes, theoretical and methodological material, distribution of roles, variable, working through a problem, frustrated


In the article the main features of appeals to the psychologist with problems of cross-cultural families are comprehensively and deeply considered. Purpose. To classify the main reasons for contacting a psychologist of cross-cultural couples. Describe the psychological inquiry and its outstanding features. Consider the complex psychological goals of helping the family. Explain the concept of the field of motivation for the psychologist and his work with the couple. Define fully the concept of child and family assistance. Ask the question of willingness to accept patient care. Focus the most attention in the article, which focuses on the urgency of the task for the psychologist in working with the couple. Expand the concept of a cross-cultural counseling strategy for the treatment of interethnic families, and, first of all, analyze the depth of the causes that form the basis for the problems that lead to psychologically appealing. The methods used in the writing of the article were – in-depth analysis of theoretical materials, which were indicated in the research of the author-authors who dealt with this issue, and the method of interview, which was used constantly and used almost in direct work with inter-ethnic couples. During the work with these couples, interviews, interviews, direct consultations on problems that were stated and statistical sections on the number of participants and their direct requests to the consultant psychologist were carried out on an ongoing basis. Results. It has been found that dealing with cross-cultural families is still complicated by stereotyped perceptions of psychological care and interaction by a psychologist. Conclusions. Carrying out a systematic analysis and statistical collection on the features of cross-cultural families’ referrals to a psychologist can help formulate strategies for resolving situations that contain a standard cross-mental component, and will also help improve the specialist’s level of preparation for solving a unique, specific problem with which a couple, and the specialist psychologist meets in practice for the first time.


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