• Tetiana Mychaylivna Tytarenko
Keywords: socio-psychological support, traumatic experience, technologies of psychological health restoration, trauma-sensitive support strategy, direct and indirect support, real and virtual communities


The purpose of the work is the specification of the socio-psychological support of personality and definition of ways for its organization. The main method used is the conceptualization of experience in developing technologies for restoring psychological health. Results. The specifics of accompaniment are characterized in the coordinates of the duration, mediation, systematic supportive effects. An effective strategy for trauma-sensitive accompaniment – reinterpretation of the traumatic experience in dialogue, literary, graphic, and theatrical forms – is defined. The stages of socio-psychological support were clarified: diagnostic-targeted, which involves an operational professional study of the nature of the injury, the state of the recipient’s psychological health, and recovery resources; operational-instrumental, which involves the selection of forms, methods, ways of organizing accompaniment; motivational-communicative, which involves the involvement of communities, virtual and real communication networks, self-help groups for a long-term indirect impact; assessment and correction, which involves monitoring the effectiveness of support and making the necessary changes to its organization. Conclusions. Methods have been developed for organizing trauma-sensitive socio psychological support. Among them there are the following ones: direct, immediate support, ensures the restoration of the psychological health of the individual after trauma; indirect support through the activation of communities, state and non-state institutions, which creates a potential environment for constructive personality transformations; activation of a person’s involvement in various social networks, real and virtual, which feeds her communicative resources; the practice of interconnection and self-support, which contributes to the gradual growth of independence and responsibility of the individual for the further course of his own life, his prospects.


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