• Alexander Nikolaevich Plyushch
Keywords: educational reforms, informational support, communication, public opinion, feedback, modernization of society


Purpose. To sum up the results of the all-Ukrainian experiment “Forming of positive public opinion on educational innovations” during three years (2016–2018). To assess the role of informational support in the course of educational reforms.

Methods. Informational support is considered in a double context: as one of the constituent processes of educational reforms implementation, which, in their turn, are inevitable part of modernization of society processes. Society, which is interested in successful realization of its modernization should have a possibility to correct educational reforms. Otherwise, both reforms and modernization of society can be carried out not in the interests of the whole society, but of its certain groups.

Results. It was revealed that in experimental schools, in all groups of respondents (principals, teachers, parents), an increase of supporters of 12-year period of study was observed. At the same time in schools which did not participate in experiment, this effect was not found. Simultaneously, only in the group of principals, the number of supporters of the 12-year period of study exceeds the number of opponent. In the group of teachers, there is almost equality. Among parents, the number of opponents prevails. It is recommended to continue the efforts to form public opinion in the direction needed via increasing the duration of the experiment (it was planned for 2016–2019) and expanding its scope. It is underlined that the efforts made during the All-Ukrainian experiment, despite the achievement of certain positive changes in the groups of respondents having participated in the experiment, may not lead to a positive result in the future, unless material funding for the reforms and the achievement of their stated goals would be provided.

Conclusions. Two approaches to the analysis of the role of information support in conducting educational reforms are highlighted. Within the framework of the “communicational” approach, the cause for the rejection of reforms by the society is the lack of organized communications of reformers with the society, which cannot appreciate the entire depth of the reform plan. This plan copies the samples of the “developed and civilized” countries. Within the framework of the “resultative” approach, the rejection of reforms by the society is explained by the fact that, first, they do not lead to the results planned, such as improvement of education quality for representatives of the whole society, and not its certain groups. Second of all, reformers are not going to take into consideration public opinion and make adjustments to the reforms content.


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