• Nikita Serhiovych Panov
Keywords: adaptive potential, resilience, subject-subject paradigm, involvement, control, risk, internally displaced persons


The purpose. The article focuses on the problem of professional readaptation of the individual in modern society, specific traits of professional readaptation of internally displaced persons in particular. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to determine the psychological features of professional readaptation of the individual in the situation of forced change of residence. Individual resilience serves as a significant dimension of the adaptive potential, being realized in active social involvement, the inclination for inner control and search for productive ways to react to environmental events, as well as a tolerant attitude to risk and uncertainty, which in general is a reflection of mental health.

Methods. The following psychodiagnostic methods were implemented in the current study: a multi-level personal questionnaire “Adaptability” (by A. Maklakov and S. Chermianin) and a test “Resilience” by S. Maddi (adapted by D. Leontiev, E. Osin, M. Alfimova). The local unemployed and internally displaced persons participated in the investigation.

The results obtained indicate that the level of development of adaptive abilities of the local unemployed is much higher, besides the level of neuro-mental and moral stability differs significantly. The data obtained in the “Resilience” test indicate lower rates of internally displaced persons on such scales as involvement in social interaction and control over events in their own lives, still, at the same time, this category of respondents manifests higher risk taking rates, which is certainly also related to the peculiarities of the social situation of internally displaced persons. Thus, the study testifies to the existence of significant differences in the psychological features of internally displaced persons’ professional readaptation, which requires the use of appropriate psychological measures to develop their adaptive potential in order to optimize the situation of forced professional readaptation.


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