• Larysa Mykolaivna Marchuk
Keywords: assertive personality, assertive approach, emotional stability, trust, confidence, reflection


The purpose of the article is to investigate the impact of higher education on the formation of assertive behavior. According to the stated goal, the following tasks are defined: 1) to analyze the assertive approach in a higher education institution; 2) determine the quality and level of assertiveness in the student environment.

Methods. Theoretical methods of research – analysis of approaches and results of studying the state of assertiveness in student youth. Practical methods - surveys, questionnaires. The empirical research, which is in the article described, was conducted by the method of continuous questionnaire survey of students of bachelors (psychology training course) 1–4 courses of the Higher Educational Institution of Uzhgorod National University. The author of the publication determined the level of assertive attitude of students in educational and other interactions in combination with the study of the level of respondents’ awareness of the specified quality. The most characteristic for the actual situation students’ views on the concepts of “assertiveness”, “assertive personality”, “assertive behavior” and the reasons for their assertive behavior are analyzed and presented.

The importance of the assertive approach of a higher educational institution to the formation of assertiveness as a student’s personal growth, his / her self-knowledge, ability to reflect, his / her self-actualization and self-actualization, his / her individual and social development are highlighted.

Results. In the course of the survey, aspects such as the limits of application of the concept of “assertiveness” in students’ perceptions, the declarative and real level of assertiveness, its level in relation to the profession, in particular in the business sphere, were studied. The results of the study expand knowledge about assertiveness, features of assertive behavior of student youth and can serve as a basis for adjusting the pedagogical and educational practice of higher education institutions.

Conclusions. The results of the study of the influence of the university system on the student’s consciousness in the process of development of assertive psychological qualities, indicated that in the process of education there is a gradual formation of the student not only as a professional, but also an assertive personality, which is able to adapt in social interaction through the formed assertive behavior. It is concluded that the use of educational technologies by universities, based on the practical aspect of assertive behavior and assertive communication. The presented research can be useful for educators and psychologists for monitoring and correction of assertive behavior of students, as well as being a criterion basis for building a training program aimed at the development of these characteristics.


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