• Larysa Mykolayivna Korobka
Keywords: principles of community adaptation analysis, conceptual model of adaptation, post-traumatic growth, routine adaptation, proactive adaptation, collective adaptation strategies, conditions of armed conflict


The results of study are highlighted, which object is the process of community adaptation consequences of armed conflict.

The purpose is expanding and deepens scientific ideas about the features of adaptation in conditions of military conflict and developing a conceptual model of community adaptation to the social changes as a result of armed conflict.

On the basis of general theoretical methods of analysis, systematization, generalization, interpretation of different scientific approaches and empirical results, the theoretical foundations of the study of community adaptation to consequences of the armed conflict are determined. They are based on P. Shtompka’s social trauma concept, general propositions about community; propositions on adaptation of individual and community in conditions of social transformations. The principles of community adaptation analysis are formulated: consideration of adaptation on two levels of community functioning – as a structural unit of society and as significant environment of person’s life; its predetermining by content of social transformations; as a complex, ambiguous, uneven and controversial process; as a choice of alternative behavioral strategies; as ability of individual, family, community to take restorative efforts and development. The conceptual model of community adaptation to social changes as a result of armed conflict is developed. It demonstrates on the one hand, the existence of routine adaptation, implemented through tried and tested strategies aimed at self-preservation.

On the other hand, there is proactive adaptation manifested in the active search for new opportunities, activation of adaptation, community capacity and resources, in readiness for development.

It is concluded that community adaptation to social changes due to the armed conflict is a complex multidimensional process of interaction between subject of adaptation and environment. It changes under the influence of armed conflict. It involves transformation of systemic features of community, active development of new social conditions, acquisition means of productive systems of interaction creating, developing and applying psychological adaptation strategies. The author presents adaptation as a path from experiencing social trauma to collective renewal efforts and development.


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