• Kseniya Vladimirovna Gil
Keywords: motives, need, questionnaire, standardization, validation


Purpose. The article presents the results of the study on the development of a questionnaire on the motivation of volunteer activities. The aim of the study was to design and test the questionnaire “Motivation of volunteer activity”.

Methods. The most important task in creating the questionnaire is to ensure its meaningful validity, which was confirmed by a pilot study of the motivation of volunteer activity. Data for a pilot study was collected by means of a projective method of self-descriptions, which were processed by means of a meaningful analysis using the method of expert evaluation. The empirical results obtained during the questionnaire standardization were processed using methods of descriptive statistics, correlation and factor analysis.

Results. As a result, the questionnaire “Motivation of volunteer activity” was designed and tested, which allows to identify motives of inclusion in volunteer activity and to build a motivational profile of the volunteer’s personality. The theoretical rationale for the questionnaire was that motivation is a process of meeting needs whose awareness leads to the formation of motives. Any activity is polymotivated and the motives are in hierarchical ties with each other. The process of developing the questionnaire consisted of several stages, as a result of which it was psychometric tested. Standardized and validated questionnaire “Motivation of volunteer activity” is a reliable tool for identifying motivation of volunteer activity, aimed at determining significant needs of the person, which are satisfied in volunteer activity. The results of the development of diagnostic tools allowed to highlight the components of the structure of motivation of volunteer activity, which in the following determined the development of a practical-oriented model of formation of motivation of volunteer activity of students of social and humanitarian profile.

Conclusions. The standardized questionnaire provides an opportunity to quantify the relative importance of these needs for each volunteer, to identify the motives of social approval, benefits, self-approval, procedural-meaningful, pro-social and spiritual-moral and to graphically present them in the form of a motivational profile of the individual. The questionnaire can be used for working with volunteers at the stage of pre-selection, preparation and, directly, at the stage of volunteer activity itself.


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