• N.H. Rubel
Keywords: anxiety, somatognosis, neurophysiology, cognitive factors


Anxiety, phobias, panic are phenomena that in the modern world are a serious problem for the daily func- tioning of a person.
The research was conducted in order to study the connection between the features of subliminal perception (somatognosis) and cognitive manifestations of anxiety.
To study the cognitive features of anxiety in the study group, three self-report questionnaires were used:
1. IUS (The intolerance of uncertainty scale, DugasM.J., ukrainian translation: Ukrainian Institute of cog- nitive-behavioral therapy - to research attitude to uncertainty.
2. NPOQ (Negative problem orientation, Robichaud M, Dugas M.J., Ukrainian translation: Ukrainian Insti- tute of cognitive-behavioral therapy) – to study the attitude and reactions to life’s challenges.
3. PSWQ (Penn state worry questionnaire, Borkovec, T. D., Ukrainian translation: Ukrainian Institute of cognitive-behavioral therapy) – to study the level of mental suffering like a response to everyday situations.
To study the characteristics of subliminal perception and body scheme the “Homunkulus” test was used (by A. V. Semenovich). According to the results of this test, the participants of the experiment were divided into three groups:
the first one is the group with low differentiation of body signals, the situational anxiety, middle level of tol- erance to uncertainty, the problem with muscle tone;
the second one – with fragmentary sensations of one’s body, a low level of tolerance to uncertainty and emerging problems;
the third group – with a differentiated perception and a high level of self-control, the lowest rate of tolerance to uncertainty and emerging problems.
Comparative analysis of the results indicates that the level of tolerance for uncertainty in group 2 and 3 has significant differences according to the Man – Whitney test.
On the indicator “attitude to problems”, group 2 has the highest score in comparison with other groups ac- cording to the Man-Whitney test. With regard to “mental suffering”, the difference is not expressed.


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