• T.S. Sapielnikova T.S.
  • Yu.O. Bilotserkivska
Keywords: teenager, juvenile period, components of conflict, strategy of behavior, interpersonal relations


The aspects of conflict behavior of senior school children are examined in the article. The defined notions are conflict and components of conflict in behavior of teenagers, considered features of juvenile period as especially sensible to experiencing of conflict situations. The review of those factors that have an influence on development of conflict behavior of teenager is given. Certain factors of conflicts as “teenager – parents”, “teenager – teacher” and a “teenager – teenager” are examined. Conflict of personality considered as a system complicated features of personality, which includes the complex of psychical features.

The research aim was to conduct the analysis of features of behavior in the conflict of senior pupils in the process of education. For research of conflict behavior of teenagers of higher forms the following methods of research were used: theoretical analysis; diagnostic methods: methodology of diagnostics of inclination of personality to conflict behavior of К. Thomas; method the “Subjective estimation of interpersonal relations” (СОМО) (Dukhnovsky); methods of statistical analysis.

It was identified on the results of the research, that senior school children select most often such strategy of behavior as compromise in conflict situations; seldom they select such strategy of behavior as a collaboration. Namely the participants of interpersonal conflicts come to the alternative that partly satisfies interests of both parties.

For participants of the research prevail optimistic view of life, the types of attitude toward wider public are expressed mildly. High indexes were got on the scale of friendliness, subzero – on the scales of submission and dependence. The middle level of tension of relations shows the moderate expression of tension, necessary for support intensity of relations.
Analyzing the results of comparative analysis of features of interpersonal cooperation on methodology of Dukhnovsky we can assume, that males are more conflict than females (level of meaningfulness of р = 0,1).

On the received research results of conflict addiction of school children is development of psychological correction program that will influence on education of tolerance in communication of teenagers and youths.


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