Keywords: typical cognitions, core beliefs, maladaptive cognitive schemas, psychological diagnostics, adaptation, standardization


Purpose. The article presents results of adaptation of Ukrainian version of the Dusseldorf Schema Questionnaire for Children, developed in 2018 by Loose, Meyer and Pietrowsky and aimed to diagnose children’s and adolescents’ maladaptive core beliefs. The overall purpose of the study was to translate, adapt and standardize this diagnostic tool.

Results. In the course of theoretical analysis there were systematized the approaches to understanding typical cognitions and maladaptive cognitive schemas as well as the specifics of their formation and manifestation among children and adolescents. In addition there was analyzed the theoretical basis for the development of an English version of the Dusseldorf Schema Questionnaire for Children and the indicators of validity and reliability of this methodic.

The empirical part of the study included checking the psychometric properties of the Ukrainian version of the questionnaire. With this purpose there was conducted a procedure of double translation of the questions and their expert evaluation, two-stage verification of retest reliability in 12 and 18 months after the initial survey and the study of competitive validity of the information obtained with the Questionnaire. Statistical processing of the results was performed using correlation analysis (Spearman’s correlation coefficient).

Conclusions. The obtained data and the results of its statistical processing indicate the high psychometric properties of the Dusseldorf Schema Questionnaire for Children. Particularly the indicators of retest reliability and competitive validity meet the general diagnostic and psychometric requirements for instruments of such type. This allows to make a conclusion about the possibility and feasibility of its usage as a clinical scale as well as a research diagnostic tool to determine maladaptive cognitive schemas of children and adolescents. The prospects of further researches in this area may be connected with the adaptation and specification of the Questionnaire for usage with narrower groups of respondents, particularly with persons who have hearing and visual impairments.


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