Requirements for articles
- Please, adhere to rules of preparation, performance and design of the article for Kherson State University Herald. Series: “Psychological Sciences”. Authors manuscripts have to be performed in accordance with the state standards.
Languages: Ukrainian, English.
General requirements:
The order of structural elements in the article:
- You should indicate in article’s language:
- title
- full name of article’s author (-s) (maximum two persons);
- post, place of employment/study, scientific degree, academic rank (if any), e-mail;
- ORCID ID code. If the author doesn’t have an account in ORCID it is obligatory to log in at;
- summary and key words;
Summary volume is 1800 symbols without spaces (200-300 words). The following structure is necessary for the summary: Purpose, Methods, Results and Conclusions. The summary should include 5-10 key words or words combinations, and none of them can repeat article’s title.
- You should indicate in English:
- title
- full name of article’s author (-s) (maximum two persons);
- post, place of employment/study, scientific degree, academic rank (if any), e-mail;
- ORCID ID code. If the author doesn’t have an account in ORCID it is obligatory to log in at;
- summary and key words;
Summary volume is 1800 symbols without spaces (200-300 words). The following structure is necessary for the summary: Purpose, Methods, Results and Conclusions. The summary should include 5-10 key words or words combinations, and none of them can repeat the article’s title.
- Article text:
Introduction is a necessary part of the paper where the author indicates topic’s novelty and relevance of scientific solutions. The purpose should be clearly noted along with scientific tasks. It is essential to mark methodology, logic presentation of material under examination.
The article should have Conclusions which present detailed conclusions based on the study’s results and prospects for further research in this focus area.
Requirements for manuscript composition
- Page А4. All fields –– 20 mm; size – 14; line spacing – 1,5.
- Bibliographic entry is executed in accordance with the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302: 2015 Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General principles and rules of composition”.
- It is executed in accordance with АРА (APA Style Reference Citations). There is an author (transliteration), title (transliteration), title (in square brackets translated into English), source name, output data (city in English), publishing house (transliteration). For example:
- Doktorovych M.O. (2010). Nepovna simia: Osoblyvosti roboty sotsialnoho pedahoha [An Incomplete Family: Features of a Social Pedagogue]. Kyiv: Shkilnyi Svit [in Ukrainian].
- Transliteration of names and surnames from Ukrainian is executed in accordance with the requirements of the Resolution of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Normalization of Transliteration of the Ukrainian Alphabet by Means of Latin Alphabet” dated January 27, 2010, No 55.
- To transliterate from Ukrainian, you can use the service
- Author’s notes are marked at the foot of pages using * as an asterisk. Article volume – 12-20 pages (10 pages of the main text without References and summaries).
Rules for execution of reference to literature and bibliographic entry:
References to literature are marked exclusively in round brackets according to the example:
Найбільш прогнозовано відчувають вплив родинної депривації діти, які виховуються поза родиною. На відміну від дітей-сиріт, категорія, яка не входять в сферу впливу родинної депривації – діти з повних функціональних сімей. Умовно кажучи, між двома цими полюсами знаходяться діти з родин трудових мігрантів (Петренко, 2002).
Одним із наслідків відсутності батьків є викривлення та затримка розвитку уявлень про свою майбутню родину. Несформованість сімейних уявлень означає психологічну неготовність до створення сім’ї, що в свою чергу, призведе до багатьох негативних наслідків у подружніх та батьківсько-дитячих відносин у майбутньому (Педагогічна психологія, 2009).
If source pages are indicated, they are marked via two spot, e.g. (Петренко, 2002: 25–27).
Generally, it is accepted articles with an empirical part. Essentially theoretical papers will be printed in limited quantities and if they have solely scientific topicality.
Theoretical analysis should not be limited by references to authors who studied the raised issue. It should contain a brief summary of received data with the allocation of directions, trends, approaches to the problem. It is not allowed to list names of scientists! The description of empirical results should contain specific data confirming the statistical accuracy of obtained results. They can be presented in the form of tables, graphs, diagrams with further interpretation.
Preparing an article for publication, an author should indicate in-text references to sources, materials, or individual findings. The References list should render the current state of studies and modern papers (over the past 5 years) and comprises at least 30% of Scopus or Web of Science articles. An author also should refer to the archive of Scientific Bulletin of Kherson State University. Series “Psychological Sciences”.
It is allowed 20% of self-references to every co-author.
The article must have references to foreign sources (at least 20%).
Prohibition to refer to the aggressor state’s scholarly papers:
It is prohibited citing and including in the reference list russian-language contributions published in any country, incl. papers written in other languages but published in russia and belarus.
Manuscripts which don’t comply with the requirements, the editorial board neither registers nor considers with the purpose of publication.